Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule

The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, or ADOS for short, is one of the assessment tools we use as part of the overall Autism assessment process. It is an assessment that can be used with people of all ages, abilities and language skills. It is a semi-structured, standardised assessment of communication, social skills, play and restricted and repetitive behaviours. It enables us to look at how your child or young person communicates, how they interact with us, how they play and their ability to be creative, and if they have any restricted or repetitive behaviours or interests.

During the assessment the clinician will play some games with younger children or carry out activities including questions about school, friendships and feelings with older children or young people. By watching the way your child communicates, interacts, plays and behaves during the games and activities it helps us to understand if there are signs of autism.

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